Couples Coaching

Do you think that you could repair your relationship in just three sessions with me? I do and I’m willing to offer you a money-back guarantee to prove it.

As a trauma survivor, I’ve been terrible at relationships, which made me wonder why. The answers I’ve found can be applied to any couple, regardless of their histories.

I’d like to share those with you.

Is This Your Dynamic?

When we find ourselves stuck in a stale or destructive relationship, it can impact every area of our lives. Thinking of ending it can become a high stakes gamble, especially when children, property, family and friends are involved. So we can wind up feeling trapped, resentful and miserable.

Most of us want a safe way out of that scenario but conflict resolution is a difficult task at the best of times. When fuelled by deep emotion and the fact that most of us are not experts in this area, it can be overwhelming, keeping us stuck in the same unhealthy patterns and repetitive arguments that we play out over and over again.

This is where I come in. I have developed the RePair Couples Coaching course for exactly this problem.

Couples Coaching with Benjamin

As an experienced psychotherapist and founder of a residential trauma clinic, I have a solid understanding of the science behind what makes us do the things we do. I am able to assist both you and your partner to pinpoint what it is you really need and want out of the relationship and why you respond the way you do when you’re not getting it. When each person truly understands their own and each other’s triggers, their role in the conflict shifts. Then you have new choices.

How Does It Work?

My method is very time efficient. In three 90-minute sessions, I will teach you to recognise and break your patterns of conflict to get your needs met; an invaluable skill to take forward with you throughout your life. I will be handing you the toolkit to build your own solutions from there on so you can be your own relationship coaches.

Why Chose Me?

My style is less about refereeing arguments or asking you how that makes you feel, and more about getting practical results. I have four master’s degrees (two from Oxford in physics and business), so although I’m very sensitive to your wounds and feelings, I like science and solutions. I want you to take ownership of the problem with better information, and then to be empowered to solve it for yourselves.


Sessions work better in person at my practice rooms in Notting Hill, London but can be done online too.

All problems, even those as painful as relationship breakdown, are an opportunity to learn more about yourself and to grow. There are no shortcuts, and no one can do the work for you, but the good news is that in three sessions you can transform your relationships and your life. To find out more or to book your sessions please get in touch using the form below.

Feedback from Client Couples

Benjamin is an excellent coach and therapist with many years experience with individuals, couples and families. We found the 3 sessions extremely useful and thought provoking. He helped us to identify ways to change how we interact, to make our relationship kinder and stronger, and to understand each others' perspective better. I would strongly recommend these sessions - investing the time was a great decision and we achieved a lot despite only having 3 sessions.

Enquire About Couples Coaching

To find out more or to book your sessions please get in touch using the form below